compulsive beauty

I’m going out to smell the falling pears,

and the seedy dandelion.

And hide inside a field of cornstalks

to kiss the summer leaves goodbye.

And watch the colors of September in silent splendor set

Against a sky of violet blue and crimson red.


When the light and shadows begin to change so does our perspective.  Summer will soon pirouette into fall on September 22nd, the autumnal equinox.  We are poised to reap the bounty of the season.  Each path we then choose to take is the answer to a question and each question is defined by the problems they present.   And every problem is a manifestation of what is closest to our hearts.  When viewed from a clear perspective they reveal what is most important to us.


The profusion of corn that I see from every window in my house gives the landscape the appearance of being crowded, like a room full of people, but it’s not.  Day after day I have been surrounded by compulsive beauty.  I came here lost among a thousand illusions and I’ve been humbled by the simplicity ands grace of nature.  In a letter to his son, Paul Cézanne said, ” Here on the edge of the river the motifs are plentiful, the same subject seen from a different angle gives a subject for study of the highest interest and so varied that I think I could be occupied for months without changing my place, simply bending a little more to the left or right.”


Of this I am certain – we must allow ourselves to be taken by the hand and stripped naked by nature for it can dazzle, captivate and teach us more about ourselves than anything else I know.  It is impossible to be insincere, arrogant or false n the midst of the physical world.  I often stand in silent awe for what seems like hours under a full moon in a night sky, contemplating my solitude, my only neighbor asleep down the road…It will be harvest time soon.  May our hearts ripen with gratitude.


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